Archive for the 'Justin Bieber' Category


Alien 4:not dead

“Ow” I said as I woke up, “holy cow, I’m falling towards Earth!” I yelled as I was waking up. “This should be in the worlds records book” I said, then I realized that I hadn’t burned up because of the armour. “Oh now you work!” I yelled while skydiving next to some people, “hey can I borrow this for a second” I asked them as I took off their parachute. When I landed, I kissed the ground, then I teleported back to the ship, “oh come on” I yelled. “You see, you can’t escape me, but yo-” he didn’t get to finish from that explosion. “oh, what happened” he asked me “glad that your yourself again” I said to him. I headed for the escape pods, when I was about to escape, I heard someone say “wait.” I looked behind me and saw Justin trying to run to me, but he kept on falling down from him sagging, “come on Justin, just pull up your pants or ditch the pants.” He was about to make it when I closed the door on him, “open up” he said, I launched the pod and went FAR from the ship! When I landed, I looked at the town to see if anything happened, places were on fire, people were running yelling “help”, and people tried to evacuate or commit suicide. “Nothing went wrong” I said as I headed to town.


Alien 3: Return of Justin Bieber

*3 weeks after incident*. Ever since  I saved Earth, nothing has been going on, I was walking to lunch when I found a cube on the ground. It was green and black, their was a button on it, when I pressed the button, the cube stuck to me. “Sweet” I said as I took it off and walked to my locker. All of a sudden, I teleported to this HUGE ship! “What the, where am I?” I said while looking around and then saw Justin Bieber looking at me. “So, you still lived after the explosion?” I asked him “well why yes, I did” he told me, “but I can’t believe that you saved your planet from millions of aliens” he said to me. “Well hey, I saved my planet like James Bond did in the 2011 cowboys vs. aliens movie” I said to him and did 3 snaps. “Well I’m getting so sick of you, so, let’s dance” he said, “you got it” I said as I put on some of the popular 80’s songs. “No, I mean fighting” he told me, “oh, well you just killed music, and you make music, so wow!” I said, he quickly pressed a button and a huge iron cage fell on me. “ha ha, I have you trapped” he said to me “you  can’t get out”. “oh ya, how much you wanna bet” I said to him “what do you mean” he said. I put on that armour that I found earlier and broke open the cage, “guards, destroy him” Justin said as he ran out the door and then the door closed. Aliens started shooting their blasters at me, I found a statch of bombs and threw them at the aliens, they went flying everywhere! “I wonder if this armour can destroy this door here” I said to myself, I ran and face planted the wall. “oh wow, this armour sucks!” I said, I spent 3 hours trying to break out, then I yelled “open sesame!” And then the door opened up “oh come on!” I yelled as I started to run, I started to hallucinate of hunger. “Oh look, at donut remover, I need some donuts” I said when really the sign said do not remove. A piece of wall opened up and I started to go flying in space and that button started to let pieces of the ship fly away, meanwhile, I was heading towards Earth.


Alien 2

“Alright class, can someone tell me what 1 + 1 is” Mrs. Dooklberry said, our sub. “Ya, it equals window, like you” a kid said, other kids started to laugh. Her face turned red ” well then go to a window” she said as she picked him up and threw him out a window “I will make sure to give you flowers for your marriage you and the glass” she said. All of a sudden, she took off her face which was a mask of a alien, but this time, they were bigger. “One of my leaders is here” he said as doors opened up to one of the leaders, when they walked through, it was a human! ‘Wait a minute, I know you” I said ” it’s big bird!” I yelled ” well, your dangerous” he said to me “take them to the dungeon” he told some aliens. I knew I had to do something, I grabbed an aliens blaster, shot the aliens, and pointed my blaster at big bird. “Well that small blaster won’t stop you from this” he said pointing a spoon at me ” uh dude thats a spoon” I said to him. “oh, I mean this” he said pointing a bigger blaster at me “your defenseless against …” he didn’t get to finish from the shot of my blast. “Hey, I didn’t get to finish” he said “well guess what I uh, you know what, I don’t have a good comeback” I said to him, then I shot him. I looked up, “that’s where I’m going” I said looking at a huge ship. I was running to the ship when I got tired, I went  into an abandoned house to rest “ding dong” went the doorbell I opened it up and it was one of the leaders, Elmo, “Your de-“He didn’t get to finish because I slammed the door on him, he got stuck in it . All of a sudden, I teleported, ‘what the, creepy, but cool at the same time” I said. ” So, your the one that destroyed my leaders, eh” he said “ya” I said to him “well you’ll never find out who I am” he said.  “Oh ya” I said to him, I blasted his cape off ” it’s, Justin Bieber!” I said “ya that’s right, its me” “I’m not surprised” I said to him. “Well you’ll never defeat this ship it’s impossible nothing can…” he said “unless its the self destruct button right next to me” I said to him. “Well you will never get out of here because theres only 1 parachute and-” he said I jumped out with it, the ship exploded with him. I landed on the ground safely and then I went to my house to rest.


Alien:the beginning

“Beep beep beep beep beep beep!” was my annoying alarm clock beeping,I hit my hand on it to make it be quiet. I put on my close and then realized that it was my little brothers clothes on. I put my clothes on and was going down stairs when I tripped and fell down them. ‘Well that’s how you go down the stairs a quicker way” I said when I got up, I grabbed an apple and Headed out to the school bus. My best friend, Billy Bob, saved me a seat, “hey dude, another boring day at school, huh” he said to me “ya” I said back to him. But today was going to be a little bit different. When I was walking to class, I felt something moving in my backpack,  I opened it up and found a small green alien in my backpack! “I’m here with the others, my master sent leaders to guide us” he said I quickly grabbed a crowbar (which was just randomly on the ground) and whacked the alien, and he fell in an opened sewer ( which is again randomly opened, how bad is that for the community?) “Bring” went the bell “gotta go” I said as I rushed to class not knowing what was about to happen.