Archive for November, 2012


Christmas kids

Hey guys! You may be thinking, Christmas kids? What the heck? Well, I’m about to tell you what I mean, you know some kids are like “when will Santa come Mommy!” And your like “honey, christmas is more than presents” and your kids like “No its not!” Isn’t it weird, I mean, would about the music and the shows etc. Or when the your child’s just wide awake in their bed, Their not really thinking straight, cause Santa would go to the tree, drop off the gifts, and leave straight, so really he just wasted time. Have you ever watched the movie: Arthur Christmas, well remember in the movie when the kid was awake and Santa was their in the room with him like, right their in front of him, how weird was that kid, I mean, Santa’s right there, and an elf is right over him! I’m was just so surprised!

Well that’s all I have, see ya!


Why you don’t want to do tricks on your skateboard,scooter,bike,or roller-skates

Hey guys, do you have a skateboard, bike, scooter, or rollerblades, if you do, have you ever done a trick on them? If you haven’t, don’t try it! When you see people with no helmets on while their doing it, we all know whats gonna happen, their gonna crash, go to the hospital, and maybe live.When I was riding my bike, this guy was on his skateboard about to do an awesome trick when boom! He failed, no helmet on, and lets just say that you don’t want to know what happened next! And if my English/reading 6th grade teacher is reading this, their gonna love it! I was on my wagon one day just going down the drive way with a helmet one when boom! I got my head stuck under a car! And, I was walking to school one day when I saw a guy doing tricks on his bike, I went over to him and said, “I wouldn’t do those tricks if I were you, your gonna hurt yourself” and then walked away. Next thing I know, I here someone say “OW!” When I look behind me, I see that guy in pain, on the ground crying, so then I shout back, “I told you so!”Here’s a youtube video that’s funny and painful at the same time.




How kids are smarter than their parents today

Yo yo wassup guy’s! I’m back! Today I’m talking about how kids are smarter than their parents. I came up with this one when I remembered a day that I was smarter than my mom! That’s right! I said it! So my mom learned about the canadian way while I learned about the american way! And she was born in Michigan! If you said too your kid before this, “I’m your mother/father, I know everything” well your about to be a fool if your kid remembers that and you say the answer wrong. So if your a parent reading this and you haven’t said this to your child, never say it! It will just come back and haunt you! Also, When they grow up, they will learn stuff that you won’t, so if you ask your child how you know that stuff, well then it’ll feel like your back at boring old school with al the kids sleeping, it’s like nap time in kindergarden, except your sleeping through learning. But if your child is a nerd at school, every time they talk about facts, just get a cake,pie and through it at them! And if they don’t be quiet, kick them out of the house for pete sakes! And if your saying something like, this, “but their my child” come on, we both know that you can’t stand being waked up and your child telling you facts. If you can’t do it, just call 911 and make up some reason and maybe if your smart enough, it will work! And if you have a problem with me, I will see you in court!